Monday, January 4, 2010

The Wonder Pets Save The Day- Jadyn & Micah's Birthdays

The Flint Cousins 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Jadyn and Happy 3rd Birthday Micah!

Jadyn & Jordan, January 2010

Jadyn's 2 year-old picture

We were so excited to be able to celebrate both Micah's 3rd birthday and Jadyn's 2nd birthday together this year! Normally, Jeff, Bethany and Micah are back in Washington by this time and we aren't able to be there to celebrate Micah's birthday with him.

The phone, the phone is ringing....

Bethany, Becky, Julie and I had so much fun spending New Year's Day getting ready for the party. It was easy to go a little overboard! We didn't really intend to have 4 cakes, it just worked out that way!

The Wonder Pets Fly Boat

You can't have a Wonder Pets party without the celery!

One of the pigs got a little dirty...

These were my favorites! They took on their own personalities.

We weren't sure how the "ocean" would turn out but it was really cool looking and a lot of fun.

Do you think Jadyn knows what she is getting? She immediately got on it and started to ride it around with the wrapping on it! Jordan got a PlasmaCar for Christmas and Jadyn loves to ride it. Now we won't have all the fights over it!

Our own little Ming-Mings

Blowing out the candles

This was the scene most of the weekend- they all loved riding all the toys around the house!